Besides the complimentary booze, the highlight of SDCC09 thus far has been Sega's epic failure of a press event. Attempting their deftest marketing maneuver in years, Sega managed to showcase not only their lack of development prowess but a monumental misunderstanding of industry relations in the act of unveiling Iron Man 2: The Game (2? Or would that be Iron Man 2: The Game 1?), the successor to last year's abysmally acclaimed movie tie-in. Attempting to gratify the gaming press, Sega made the cheeky decision to explicity acknowledge the unparalleled mediocrity of their previous effort. An insultingly feeble attempt at appeasement by its lonesome, Sega managed to top themselves by screening footage of the equally atrocious sequel all the while. In plain sight before the media was a dated game design with PS2-era visuals for all to see. Is it any wonder Sega of America failed to win hearts and minds with their last attempt at martyrdom, the Dreamcast?